
Camille Dalmais, or simply Camille, was born in Paris on March 10, 1978. A resolutely unclassifiable musician and singer with both classical and contemporary training, Camille, nicknamed the "French Björk", created a sensation with the release of her first album (Le Sac des Filles, 2002). The following album, Le Fil (2005), brought her considerable public recognition, thanks in particular to the track "Ta douleur ". Her main asset, her voice, is at the heart of some brilliantly creative albums: Music Hole (2008) won a Victoire de la musique award, as did the song "Allez allez allez " on the following album Ilo Veyou (2011), named song of the year. Her first performance at the Olympia is recorded on the double album Ilo Lympia (2013). The collaboration with her partner and arranger Clément Ducol, begun in 2011, continues on the album Ouï (2017), a blend of tradition and modernity.

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