Geneviève Laloy

Born in Brussels, Geneviève Laloy soon found herself in contact with music. At the age of eight, she enrolled in music courses for young people in Liège and developed a taste for these activities. After a series of trips at the end of her school career, the Belgian opted to study social and cultural anthropology and joined the Méli-mélo vocal ensemble. This double role led her, alongside her teaching career, to write and compose what gradually became songs. In 2002, Geneviève Laloy made up her mind and embarked on a real musical career, contacting Philippe Laloy to arrange her songs. This work led to Si La Terre, a show in 2004 that was recorded in 2005, and received rave reviews from the public. In 2008, the Brussels-born artist moved to France with Victorie Music, where she released her new album Hirondelles, in which her songwriting is combined with delicate instrumentation. After Bleue (2012), which won her the "point culture" prize at the Octaves Belges, and the Allumettes show she debuted in 2015 to mark her ten-year career, the Belgian singer took a more discreet approach to composing in 2017, taking a step back from her creative process.

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