DJ Herzbeat

The German DJ Herzbeat was born Christoph Breier in Germany on April 15, 1984. He is particularly active in the pop genre and is known for his cover version hit "Weekend " (Original Earth & Fire) with Sarah Lombardi from 2019. His enthusiasm for pop songs began as a child through his father's record collection. He listened to Wolfgang Petry, Die Flippers and Marianne Rosenberg, among others. In his youth, he also listened to techno music by Chris Liebig, Paul Kalkbrenner and Richie Hawtin. As a DJ, he began to mix these two styles of music and first played in the Berlin discos Musik & Frieden and Ritter Butzke. During this time, he worked with Drag Queen and DJ Nina Queer, among others. In 2019, DJ Herzbeat signed a contract with the Universal Music label. His debut single "Weekend" with Sarah Lombardi was released in March 2019 and reached 83rd place in the German singles charts. DJ Herzbeat and Sarah Lombardi presented the song at the Schlagerfest Alle singen Kaiser - Das große Schlagerfest by Florian Silbereisen. This was followed by the single "3 Tage in Prag" (2019) with Axel Fischer. In summer 2020, the debut album Dancefieber was released with the singles "Maybe" (feat. Sonia Liebing) and "Du bist schön", a collaboration with Nathalie BW. Dancefieber reached 44th place in the German album charts. a new version of the song "Albany" with Roger Whittaker was released in 2021 and the single "Wir sagen dankeschön" with the Flippers in 2022.

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