Mok Saib

Born in Boufarik, Algeria, on September 19, 1986, singer Mok Saib, real name Mokhtar Saib , was attracted to the arts from an early age, starting out as a break-dancer while learning guitar during his university years. His musical experience really began with the group he founded with his brother, BFK, in reference to his hometown Boufarik. But the young man soon saw the limits to his musical development, and emigrated to England, London to be precise, at the age of 23, in the hope of living out his dream. He then joined several bands, initially in the rock sphere, before publishing numerous covers on the internet, in Arabic, French and English, collecting millions of views and gradually federating a community of fans. In 2017, he released an album available on the internet, entitled Il Est Où Le Bonheur? featuring covers of Hamid Baroudi's "Caravane to Bagdad" , Abderrahmane Jalti's "Habit ana nekber mâk" and One Direction's "Khalouha oukhalouni" , while "Fin omri fin " is an Arabic cover of Justin Bieber's "What do you mean?" . Over the years, he has also collaborated with a number of artists, including Douki, Chemsou Freeklane, Master Sina, DJ Sem and Zaho on the duet "Toi et moi" in 2022. The latter, along with "Yema", "Baby Baby", "Sonia" and "Zina " in 2023, are among his best-known songs.

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