Karen Cheryl

Karen Cheryl (née Isabelle Morizet) graduated with a science baccalaureate and a first prize from the Conservatoire de batterie, and made her singing debut at the age of seventeen with the hit "Garde moi avec toi". Launched by Claude Carrère's ex-partner, Mémé Ibach, to compete with Sheila, Karen Cheryl offered an image of a Barbie doll schoolgirl. She went on to collect disco hits such as "Show Me You're Man Enough" and "Sing to Me Mama" (million-dollar record sales in 1979-80) and eclipses, periodically hosting TV shows. At the turn of the 2000s, she reverted to her Christian name for her radio shows. Karen Cheryl presents a weekly segment on France 3's Les Grands du Rire.

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