
Hammerfall is a Swedish power metal band founded in Gothenburg in 1993 by Oscar Dronjak and In Flames guitarist Jesper Strömblad. in 1996, the band released their debut album Glory to the Bravein the Netherlands. One year later, the album is released throughout Europe and triggers a new heavy metal boom. In Germany, the album enters the charts at number 38. After a tour of Europe, their second studio album Legacy of Kings even reached number 15 in the German album charts in 1998. The third album Renegade (2000) reinforces the band's success and reaches the top of the album charts in Sweden; Threshold achieves the same position in 2006. With No Sacrifice, No Victory (2009), Infected (2011) and r(Evolution) (2014), Hammerfall achieved a top 10 position in Germany and a top 3 position in Sweden. After Built to Last (2016) and Dominion (2019), their twelfth studio album is released in 2022 under the name Hammer of Dawn. In August 2024, Hammerfall released another album, Avenge The Fallen.

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