Ebdo Mihemmed

Ebdo Mihemed (Arabic: Abdo Mohamad) is a Kurdish wedding singer from Efrin, Syria. He became popular in Finland in the autumn of 2009 due to a YouTube video which attracted over two million viewers, and reached at over four million views as of November 2018. On the video, a Kurdish language song Pinsedî Zêde sung by Mihemed is buffalaxed into Finnish. The title of the Finnish buffalax is Niilin hanhet ("The geese of the Nile") after a phrase repeated in the refrain. Another phrase repeated in the soramimi is Pensseli-setä ("Uncle Paintbrush"), which also became Mihemed's nickname in Finland. Several other videos of Mihemed buffalaxed into Finnish have also appeared on YouTube, such as Mursuvaara ("The Walrus Danger"), Lakana ("The Sheet") and Mihemmedin Eskimolaulu ("Mihemmed's Eskimo Song"). The television production company Filmiteollisuus brought Mihemed to perform in Finland in November 2009. He appeared on the show Ne Salmiset. On December 9, 2009, a music album of Pensseli-setä was released in Finland. He toured Finland a second time in February 2010. He has since not appeared in Finland. In 2011 and 2012, he has been the local contact for the Finnish media for reporting events in the Syrian civil war. Because of the YouTube video, Mihemed is usually referred to in Finland as "Pensseli-setä".

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